Without Words
I don't think anyone expected 2021 to be as crazy as it was. A lot of us thought that we left 2020 in the past. Unfortunately, 2020 ran straight through 2021, as well, and it was rough for many. Here in Mexico, things didn't even start to turn back to normal until about halfway through the year. It was weird for everyone. It was weird for me and all the ministry I did. So many doubts and questions through it all. Despite all of it, though, God made a way. He provided everything.
And He did it through you.
Your generous support helped so many kids receive Jesus for the first time.

Your generous support gave some amazing kids opportunities that they never would have had otherwise.

Your generous support helped these kids grow closer to God like never before.

Your generous support helped me be able to continuously show God's amazing love each and every day to these kids and their families, and I can never thank you enough for that.

My heart is so full of gratitude for your amazing sacrifice that you offered this past year. I'm honestly in tears as I write this. I thank God every week for you and what you have done (and possibly still do) for these precious kids and for me, and there isn't enough thank yous in the world that would ever suffice.
God has placed so many things on my heart to do

this new year. Among all that we already do, there's even bigger ideas and plans that God has called us to do!! So we are looking for more monthly partners to reach the kids, teens, and their families even
more in Tijuana. If you know of a business, church, or someone who would love to partner with us, let them know that they can go to
www.operationworth.com or email me at info@operationworth.com to become a monthly partner!! If you already do support us monthly and would like to support us even more, thank you again!! Feel free to ask me any questions about how to do so. If you are not supporting monthly and would like to do so, thank you!! You can do so by clicking here, then clicking the box for "Make this a monthly donation".
God's going to do even bigger things this year!! Please continue to be in prayer with us through everything we do this year. My prayer is for all the kids, teens, and families to truly receive a move from Jesus in their lives, and that the change they receive sticks!!
May God continue to bless you overabundantly and then some,

Daniel Ratz
Founder of Operation: Worth