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Reach (Jan/Feb 2024 Update)

This new year, we are doing more than ever to reach out. After working so many years in Terrazas del Valle and reaching out there, we're now extending our reach to the areas and towns around us!


We did four outreaches during the month of January! We did one in a different part of Terrazas del Valle, and three others in three different towns: Maclovio, Rel de San Francisco, and Antorcha! Apart from showing God's love in these events and giving gifts to the kids, we extended the invitation to come to our kids church on Saturdays. We've had a couple new families show up to our kids church as a result of these events! Please be praying for these new kids and families: that God moves in their hearts to keep coming and that God draws them closer to Him and gives them even more understanding about Him and His love. God's moving!


Speaking of our Kids Church, we've been going strong! We have enough teachers now to do four different classes, one of them being a completely separate middle school class! It has been one thing I've been praying for a very long time, and God came through! Attendance has been going up and down a lot, so please be praying for the kids who used to come to come back and for the kids who have been faithful to see blessings for their faithfulness! Also be praying for a huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit in every single one of our services. His presence is essential!


We've also extended our reach for the education center to Terrazas del Valle! This is another answer to prayer, as this is one thing that is so needed for Terrazas del Valle. So many kids are behind or not even able to attend school, and this gives them an opportunity to grow and excel in areas where they're struggling or still receive education while they're waiting for a spot to open up at the local school. Please pray for us in this, as funds are tight and we are limited to the amount of kids we can serve due to this. Also pray for a different and bigger location!


I finally finished Bible school this year! It has been a long four years, but I did it. I will be graduating April 13, and if anyone would be willing to sponsor me for my graduation, that would be amazing. I have to pay $55 for my diploma, graduation gown, and the other graduation things, plus dinner and other things that I don't have the price for. If you would like to help in this, please let me know!

I'm also in need of monthly partners to be able to complete well what we are doing. I moved recently (which was a necessary move), and my rent is double now. I've had to rearrange the budget to be able to pay rent, and I had to take money away from what I use for the soccer team, teens group, and the discipleship club. If you'd like to be a monthly partner, please click here to do so. And if you have any questions, please let me know!

"How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings." - Psalm 36:7



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Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

586-244-8343 (Google Voice)

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