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Pray For A Change (Mar/Apr 2022 Update)

Change is good. In this moment, not only is the ministry looking for a change, but the kids here, too, are looking for it. As a ministry, we're looking for a possible building change. As for the kids, their looking for a heart change and a life change.


In this very moment, Operation Worth is working together with Baja Christian Ministries to find a plot of land to be able to start some big projects. God has placed it on our hearts years ago to do bigger things for the kids and families here in Tijuana, and in this moment, that reality is looking more real every day that passes. In this, we need prayer: for provision, guidance, wisdom, wisdom, and more wisdom. This change would be a huge thing for both ministries, and we know that God is in this. God wants to do big change in the hearts and lives of His kids here in Tijuana, and He's going to use these projects to do it!


Some of the kids here are looking for a change of heart. In Kids Church, we are talking about faith. Our challenge for the kids this series is to ask God for something and have faith that God will answer our prayer. I told them that it could be for anything they wanted to believe God for. One in particular, José, asked God to help him not do bad things anymore and be more obedient to his mom. Out of all of the things that he could have prayed for, he chose this. I have been talking to him about how that has been going, and he's told me that nothing really has changed. I explained to him that in asking God something like this, we have to act. The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead. For this, we cannot just ask God to change us and just sit and wait for us to just magically change. God isn't like that. We're not robots that God can just change the programming and make us good people. He gives the choice to do what we want to do. I further explained to José that in this, God will give us the strength and will power to do what's right, and He gives us that help through His Holy Spirit that's inside us. We need to look for His help and work at it every day, and He will help us change. José seemed to understand, but he expressed that he still needs help with this. Please join me in lifting José up in your prayers: that God truly changes José's heart and makes José more like Him.


For privacy and personal reasons, I will not mention names or show pictures here, but a family here needs a lot of prayer for change in their life situation right now. The parents have separated, one of the parents left the state, and the other one currently has all of the kids. The kids are in the middle of all the fighting and arguing that the parents are doing, and it's affecting them way too much. Because of some things that have happened in the bad relationship between the parents, it's gotten to the point that the parent that has the kids will not allow the kids to come to church or to soccer or to anything that we do. It hurts so much to not be able to be there for the kids during this very difficult time in their lives, but I know that I don't need to physically be there for God to make change in their lives. Please pray that God makes miraculous changes in this whole situation, that God brings peace and joy to the kids during all of this, and that God does the biggest miracle of bringing the parents back together so that the family can be whole again.


Lord willing, I will be travelling to Canada May 18th to June 7th to preach at two different churches and present what Operation Worth is doing in Tijuana. Please be in prayer with me that God will open doors to be able to raise more monthly support to be able to grow even more and open the bigger projects that God has placed on our hearts! God is getting ready to do big changes here, and we're right there with Him!

Thank you all for your continued support, and if you would like to give us more support or if you know of someone who would be interested in supporting us monthly, feel free to share this link and do so here! If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to send us an email at!

"I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow." - 1 Corinthians 3:6-7



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Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

586-244-8343 (Google Voice)

©2017-2025 Operation: Worth

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