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Blessings (Nov/Dec 2021 Update)

The end of last year wrapped up a lot of things for me: my second year of Bible college, my first trimester at Refugio de Amor, and a year of goodness from God with what He did in the kids lives and in my life. This time, instead of telling about some events that happened, I want to highlight some amazing blessings that were part of my life (or became part of my life) these last two months.


These two amazing people right here. Eric and Rebekah Prager have been such a huge blessing to me. They've helped me out so many times when I've had car troubles, have blessed me personally, and have blessed the kids I work with in such a huge way with the education center, Refugio de Amor. I'm so grateful God put them in my path 3 years ago, and I am so grateful to be partnered up with them. They have such great hearts, and they have a very similar vision as me for the kids here in Tijuana! Please lift them up in prayer, that God continues to bless them, their family, and all that they do!


This kid. It's been such a blessing seeing Johan grow into the child of God that he is, and it's been so amazing being able to help him learn and walk it out! He's been struggling a bit with things like being bored of Sunday church and being a part of the usher team (which is something he was interested in doing, but he doesn't like it anymore), but he's been more and more interested in Jesus than ever before. In the beginning, he never wanted to pray or anything like that. He always gave weird looks about it. Now, his mom has told me that he takes time to pray at home by himself!! It's something small maybe, but it's such a huge step from before. I'm truly so proud of him. Please keep him in your prayers, that God continues to show Himself to Johan and his family even more and that Johan truly understands God's amazing love for him!


This boy. I've been teaching Juanito at the education center since September, and it's been such a blessing being able to help him learn and grow. Juanito has been struggling a lot these past few months with thoughts of his father (whom Juanito hasn't seen in 3 years), and it's bene affecting him a lot. Before I started working with him, he would just sit in class and stare into space, not wanting to work or do anything. Since I've started helping him, his mom has told me that he begs her to take him to the education center every day. Being able to be there for him has been a blessing to me, too, and I'm so grateful to have him as part of my life. I try to teach him all the time that God is the best father we can ever have and that He's always there for us when we need Him. Please be in prayer with me that Juanito understands this truth and receives it for himself. Also pray that God heals Juanito's heart, and that if it's the Lord's will that Juanito can see his dad again.


All of you. If you donated a gift or just kept us in your prayers, thank you so incredibly much. All of the kids at church were able to receive not just one, but two gifts each for Christmas! It was such an unexpected blessing, and the kids and I are so grateful for you all. Please keep them in your prayers, as you all are in ours!


God's not done with the blessings, as He's opened the doors for me to speak at a church in Canada this year in April!! Please be praying for me in that, as I need to raise the funding for that and organize everything for the kids when I'm gone. Please pray for peace for me, as well!! God's got huge plans for us, and I know He'll provide for them!!

Hector and me on his birthday, Dec. 30

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8



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